Ch. Wizards of Joy Falouche
12 February 2010
Puppy's van Falouche & Noah
Ch. Wheaten my Love Noah
De puppy's met hun familie - The puppies with their family
08 August 2013
2010-02-12 Geboorte van 4 teefjes en 4 reutjes
07 August 2013
2010-02-14 Even verpozen in de sneeuw
07 August 2013
2010-02-15 Een acrobatisch etentje
07 August 2013
2010-02-27 week 3 Hey mom you can't hide from us anymore, we can see you now
07 August 2013
2010-03-06 week 4 Time to enlarge the playroom
07 August 2013